Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is there a way to report a person or question without using the report abuse on?

okay i was being nice and told a troll that commonly roams R&P Music by telling him if he didn't stop asking stupid questions i was reporting him, going to go through every stupid question he asked and report every one of them. i also believe that the person is using multiple accounts. of course, the person posted another question that was incredibly ridiculous, so as i went to click and report, i noticed i couldn't get in. mature, he blocked me. i'd like to add that his "girlfriend" blocked me at the exact moment, when i didn't post anything about reporting her on her page. seems that he used both accounts to block me. anyway, is there a way to report these annoyances without using that on and something actually get done about it? also, can you report if you believe someone is using two or more accounts to get them to check on it? i'd love to know. also, i don't want to hear that i'm a "tattle tale" or any of that immature drivel. i for one would like to see y!a freer of trolls and spammers.

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