Thursday, August 11, 2011

If GWB hadn't invaded Iraq, would Kerry have campaigned on saying he failed to act on WMD?

Yeah probably. When all of this happened there was a totally Dem Congress and there was no opposition to the war (except for the Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd) and in fact Dems were the greatest saber rattlers, not wanting to appear to be weak on terrorism. I am a Dem, I voted for Obama, but I know that to buy into the thing that the Dems were against the war in Iraq is just plain stupid. HIllary was the greatest saber rattler of all being the Sen from NYC who thought that Juliani would be running against her. She was screaming for blood and Saddam's head. Now though Dems simply hope that people forget that, and for so many, they have. That the Dems opposed the war fronts is just plain politics and you have to be pretty dumb to buy into that. Why can people get all worked up against someone like Bush when the Dems are exactly the same? How does that work for my fellow Dems who often think that just being a Dem means that you are so much more intelligent than anyone else? Again, it is just political spinning and I am amused by those who swallow the images and live the lie.

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